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We offer books about Geographic Information Systems(GIS) and managing spatial databases.We focus on Open Source GIS, OGC standard compliant books, Geometric and Geographic theory bools and spatial database books. No spatial database understanding would be complete without good solid database understanding. In our database section, we offer books on the fundamentals of SQL, Good database design, and specifics on using PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, and SQLite. We also offer a selection of GPS devices and Accessories for the Neo-Geographer.

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The Joy of Geocaching: How to Find Health, Happiness and Creative Energy Through a Worldwide Treasure Hunt
Amazon Price: $12.82    Lowest Used Price: $1.25 Lowest New Price: $8.23
This is a book about passion for a game.

Describing the exciting and adventurous world surrounding geocaching--a worldwide hunt in which treasures are located using global positioning system (GPS) devices--this book offers an understanding and application of the principles and best practices of the game. What's different is that the authors wrap this knowledge in a tapestry of human stories that range from hilarious to touching. Paul and Dana Gillin interviewed 40 of the world's 50 most prolific geocachers as well as experts in container design, "extreme" geocaching and other dimensions of the game. They tell how this global activity inspires passion that has helped people heal frayed marriages, establish new friendships--and even save lives.

With rich illustrations complementing secrets culled from experts, this resource gives participants new skills for enhancing their experience and provides a visual montage of the different kinds of spots hobbyists can expect to find in the field.
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