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The Pyqgis Programmer's Guide
Amazon Price: $34.99    Lowest Used Price: $7.44 Lowest New Price: $14.98
Welcome to the world of PyQGIS, the blending of QGIS and Python to extend and enhance your open source GIS toolbox. With PyQGIS you can write scripts and plugins to implement new features and perform automated tasks. This book will guide you in getting started with PyQGIS. After a brief introduction to Python, you'll learn how to understand the QGIS Application Programmer Interface (API), write scripts, and build a plugin. This book is designed to allow you to work through the examples as you go along. At the end of each chapter you will find a set of exercises you can do to enhance your learning experience. The PyQGIS Programmer's Guide is compatible with the version 2.0 API released with QGIS 2.0. Both source code and data to accompany the book are available online.
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