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We offer books about Geographic Information Systems(GIS) and managing spatial databases.We focus on Open Source GIS, OGC standard compliant books, Geometric and Geographic theory bools and spatial database books. No spatial database understanding would be complete without good solid database understanding. In our database section, we offer books on the fundamentals of SQL, Good database design, and specifics on using PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, and SQLite. We also offer a selection of GPS devices and Accessories for the Neo-Geographer.

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Spatial Models and GIS: New and Potential Models (Gisdata)
Amazon Price: $156.20    Lowest Used Price: $3.53 Lowest New Price: $150.43
Spatial models have been in existence in the environmental and social sciences for a long time. More recently, specialised software for the capture, manipulation and presentation of spatial data, which can be referred to as `Geographical Information Systems' (GIS), have vastly increased the range of possibilities of organising spatial data by new and efficient ways of spatial integration and spatial interpolation. Coupled with the improvements in data availability and increases in computer memory and speed, these novel techniques give rise to new types of spatial models which exploit the technological potential now available, make better use of existing data, stimulate the collection of new data and open up new ways of working with geographic information. This book explores the potential and impact of GIS on spatial modelling.
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